The Leningrad — St Petersburg composer Andrey Petrov is an example of a rare talent who has earned both experts’ recognition in the area of serious music and nationwide public love as the author of soundtracks for over 80 films. “If there hadn’t been the songs that he wrote, may be, our life would have been flowing under different laws”, said Oleg Basioshvili, one of Petrov’ favourite actors.
In his young days, Andrey Petrov already wrote a lot of songs which immediately became hits without any support from show business as it didn’t exist at that time yet.
A Song About the Sea Devil from
The Amphibian Man,
Blue Towns, I Step Through Moscow were sung everywhere - in the streets, at the parties and family celebrations...
The composer’s “serious” songs were equally popular and amalgamated high poetry and the culture of old Russian romance. Should one mention such films as
An Office Romance, About a Poor Hussar, A Cruel Romance and the TV series
The Mysteries of St Petersburg and immediately Andrey Petrov’s music starts to play, gratefully kept in the memory of his multi-million audience.