Vladivostok, Primorsky Stage, Great Hall


The Future of Dance: classical and modern

Mariinsky Theatre Ballet Company
Ballet Company of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre
Laureates of international baller competitions

Music by Max Richter
Choreographer and Set Designer:  Ilya Zhivoi
Costume Designer: Sofia Vartanian

Ekaterina Kondaurova and Konstantin Zverev

Music by Karen LeFrak
Choreographer and Set Designer: Maxim Petrov
Costume Designer: Tatiana Noginova 

Andrei Ermakov, Konstantin ZverevSoslan KulaevViktoria BrilevaTatiana TkachenkoYuliana ChereshkevichAlexander Romanchikov

Music by Sergey Rachmaninoff
Choreographer: Eldar Aliev

Irina Sapozhnikova, Sergey Umanetc

Gala: Soloists of the Mariinsky Theatre and Prize-Winners of International Ballet Competitions

Choreographic Game 3x3
Choreographer: Anton Pimonov
Miniature to music by Johann Peter Pixis (Piano Concerto in C Major, 3rd movement)
Costume Designer: Tatiana Noginova

Ekaterina Kondaurova, Konstantin Zverev Nadezhda BatoevaAlexei NedvigaTatiana TiliguzovaYaroslav Baibordin

Pas de deux from the ballet Swan Lake
Music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Soo Bin Lee and Danila Korsuntcev

Pas de deux from the ballet Romeo and Juliet
Music by Sergei Prokofiev
Choreography by Leonid Lavrovsky
Xander Parish and Hannah O'Neill

The Dying Swan
Music by Camille Saint-Saëns
Choreography by Michel Fokine

Oksana Skorik

Pas de deux from the ballet The Talisman
Music: Riccardo Drigo
Choreography: Marius Petipa

Yekaterina Osmolkina, Ernest Latypov

Music by Christoph Willibald Gluck
Choreography by Asaf Messerer

Ulyana Lopatkina, Andrei Yermakov

About the Concert

The programme "The Future of Dance" is a glimpse at the history of the art of ballet. Fragments of ballets choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, from the rich inheritance of the 19th century repertoire, will be performed. The Modernist Epoch of the turn of the last century will be represented by Mikhail Fokine's famous miniature The Swan. Soviet ballet will be defined by the miniature Melody to music by Christoph Gluck choreographed by Asaf Messerer and the duet from the height of dramballet, the production by Leonid Labrovsky of Romeo and Juliet which was the first staging of the complete score by Sergei Prokofiev and gave impetus to the creation of numerous choreographic versions of Shakespeare's tragedy throughout the world.

A large part of the evening's programme is dedicated to new repertoire: festival goers will see a work by Eldar Aliev, the Head Ballet Master of the Primorsky Stage, and also productions by nascent choreographers who are participants of the Mariinsky Theatre's “Creative Workshop of Young Choreographers” Ilya Zhivoi, Maxim Petrov and Anton Pimonov. The Workshop takes place in the Theatre each spring and gives budding choreographers complete freedom in their choice of music, style, plasticity and group of performers. The best of the presented works are included in the repertoire of the Mariinsky Theatre. Ilya Zhivoi and Maxim Petrov will show SeasonS and Pavlovsk, premiered this year, and Anton Pimonov will present his debut work from 2013 Choreographic Game 3x3. This production attracted the attention of the directors of several ballet companies who then entrusted the young choreographer with settings of productions for their own artists.

The varied programme will be performed by an international group of artists. Festival goers will be enthralled by the brilliant technique and expressive qualities of the stars of the Mariinsky Theatre: Uliana Lopatkina, Ekaterina Kondaurova Oxana Skorik, and Danila Korsuntsev; soloists of the Primorsky Stage and also foreign guests, the shining star of South Korea Soo Bin Lee and soloist of the Paris Opera Ballet Hannah O' Neill.

Olga Makarova

About the performers

The Mariinsky Theatre first introduced a systematic plan to cultivate young choreographers four years ago. Since then, the project, “A Creative Workshop of Young Choreographers” has become an annual event that gives burgeoning choreographers the freedom to work with their choice of music, style, and artists. As promised from the beginning by the directors of the ballet company, the best pieces created in the workshop are added to the repertoire of the theatre. During the Festival, Ilya Zhivoi and Maxim Petrov, participants of this year’s workshop, will present their creations, SeasonS and Pavlosk, respectively. In addition, Anton Pimonov will present his debut piece, “Choreographic Game 3×3”, which earned him great success in the workshop three years ago and prompted various ballet directors to commission work from him right away.

Age category 6+

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The Mariinsky Theatre
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