マリインスキー劇場の, 大ホール






オデット・オディール: Anna Samostrelova
ジークフリート王子: Sergei Umanetc
悪魔ロットバルト: Salavat Bulatov
王子の友人: Saki NishidaKaterina FloriaViktor Mulygin
道化師: Shunyo Mori


マリウス・ペティパとレフ・イワーノフによる振り付け(1895) のコンスタンチン・セルゲーエフの編集版(1950)

Lighting Adaptation: Sergei Lukin
Costume design by Galina Solovyova
Set design by Simon Virsaladze






About the production

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was commissioned to create a fairy tale ballet A Lake of Swans in 1875. By that time, the 35-year old composer had been rather well-known: he had composed three symphonies and several operas, however he had not tried his hand at the genre of ballet yet. This was not surprising: at that time, the leading place in the ballet world was assigned to primas and ballet masters, while music played a merely supplementary role in the performance, serving as a background accompaniment for dancing. For this reason, composers regarded this genre as “low” and “second-rate”, and prominent authors rarely took on the task of composing such music.

Being a great admirer of the ballet art, Pyotr Ilyich did not support his colleagues’ snobbery and embarked on his commission with great enthusiasm. He most actively participated in the creation of the libretto of Swan Lake (though it is still uncertain who actually wrote the the original text for the ballet). He seriously explored the specifics of the ballet dance. Tchaikovsky’s friends were surprised to see how scrupulously he went into all nuances of this or that “pas”, trying to understand what music would suit the dancers best.

In 1877 Swan Lake saw the light on stage of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Alas, in this production everything was wrong: Reisinger’s choreography was described by critics as “gymnastics exercises”; due to a silly argument, the leading role was performed not by talented prima ballerina Sobeshyanskaya, but by her substitute - Karpakova; and the orchestra under little-experienced conductor Ryabov failed to cope with the “Swan” script. The ballet was not successful. All that Tchaikovsky could do was to hope that his music for the ballet would be appreciated some day in future.

Not long before the composer’s death, the legendary Marius Petipa and his gifted disciple and follower Lev Ivanov decided to stage a new production of Swan Lake in St Petersburg. The ballet masters considerably reworked the libretto, changed the order of numbers, removed the pathetic wings from the dancers’ costumes, creating the stage image deserving Tchaikovsky’s music. Their 1895 production at the Mariinsky Theatre became the classical basis for all subsequent interpretations. With every new generation of choreographers, Ivanov-Petipa’s Swan Lake is re-thought and enriched with new nuances, being an example of strikingly long life onstage. The Primorsky Stage audience will have a chance to see one of the iconic Konstantin Sergeyev’s versions of their favourite ballet with the legendary sets designed by Simon Virsaladze.

Natalia Rogudeeva

World premiere: 20 February 1877, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow
Premiere of Konstantin Sergeev´s version: 8 March 1950, Kirov Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Leningrad
Premiere at the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre: 9 August 2016, Vladivostok

Running time: 3 hours 10 minutes
The performance has two intervals

Age category 6+

on the playbill
7 2024, 19:00
19 2024, 19:00
20 2024, 19:00
© 2016 – 2024
The Mariinsky Theatre
Primorsky Stage Information Service
+7 423 240 60 60

The highlighting of performances by age represents recommendations.

This highlighting is being used in accordance with Federal Law N139-FZ dated 28 July 2012 “On the introduction of changes to the Federal Law ‘On the protection of children from information that may be harmful to their health and development’ and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”