Orchestra of Russian Pacific Fleet
Conductor: major Andrey Popov, captain Ilya Sergeev
Solists of Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre:
Alena Diyanova
Dmitry Nelasov
Evgeny Plekhanov
Irina Kolodyazhnaya
Ilya Astafurov
Piano: Natalia Karnovich
Sergei Prokofiev
March for the Spartakiade, Op.69, No.1
Song Without Words, Op.35, No.2
Raimond Pauls
Arno Babajanian
Matvey Nikolaevsky
The Bells Jingle on the Harness (words by V. Garlitsky)
Sergei Prokofiev
No.6 The Field of the Dead from the cantata Alexander Nevsky
Chick Corea
Holiday in Spain
Sergei Prokofiev
Pushkin Waltz, Op.120, No.2
Three songs by A. Pushkin: Pine Trees, In Your Chamber, Crimson Dawn
Alexander Tsfasman
IV part Fast Movement from the Suite for Piano and Orchestra
Sergei Prokofiev
The Road to Moscow from the Arrangements of Russian Folk Songs, Op.106, No.2
March from the opera Love for Three Oranges
The highlighting of performances by age represents recommendations.
This highlighting is being used in accordance with Federal Law N436-FZ dated 29 December 2010 (edition dated 1 May 2019) "On the protection of children from information that may be harmful to their health"