Irina Kolodyazhnaya
Author of the project — Irina Soboleva
Host of the concert — Larisa Diadkova
Accompanist: Aglaya Zinchenko
Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov
Scene and Arioso of Lubasha from the opera The Tzar’s Bride
Anton Rubinstein
The Night (Lyrics by A. Pushkin)
Francesco Cilea
Aria of the Princess de Bouillon from the opera Adriana Lecouvreur
Alexander Dargomyzhsky
Laura’s first song from the opera The Stone Guest
Georgy Sviridov
The portrait of NN (In imitation of Dargomyzhsky) (Lyrics by M. Lermontov)
Georgy Sviridov
Your eyes are shining like the sky (Lyrics by M. Lermontov)
Georgy Sviridov
The nightingale has one good song (Lyrics by S. Esenin)
Alexandr Kolodyazhni
Vera (Lyrics by A. Kolodyazhni)
Music and lyrics by an anonymous author arranged by M. Sakharov
It’s quiet, so quiet
A popular Russian folk song
The bell is jingling under the shaft-bow
The highlighting of performances by age represents recommendations.
This highlighting is being used in accordance with Federal Law N139-FZ dated 28 July 2012 “On the introduction of changes to the Federal Law ‘On the protection of children from information that may be harmful to their health and development’ and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”