マリインスキー劇場の, 大ホール






ドロッセルマイヤー: Sergei Umanetc
マーシャ: Polina Khimich
くるみ割り人形・王子: Viktor Mulygin
ドラジェ妖精: Anna Samostrelova




エルンスト・テオドール・アマデウス・ホフマンの物語 「くるみ割り人形とねずみの王様」に基づく

Production Choreography — Eldar Aliev
Set Designer — Semyon Pastukh
Costume Designer — Galina Solovieva
Lighting Designer — Eldar Aliev
Assistant Production Choreographer — Tatiana Yeryomicheva



クリスマス・イブの夜、ドイツのシュタールバウム家の大広間ではパーティーが行われている。シュタールバウム家族の娘、マーシャは他の子供たちと楽しんでいる。ドロッセルマイヤーがパーティーに現れると、すぐに子供たちに囲まれる。ストーリーテラーは、美しい妖精のドラジェ、彼女を愛している王子とこの二人を別れさせた陰険なねずみの女王クリシルダについてのおとぎ話を語る。ねずみの女王の呪いによって王子が醜いくるみ割り人形に変身し、身を挺して助け合ってくれる者が現れなければ、呪文が破壊されない。 人形は、ストーリーテラーがくるみ割り人形の話を語るのを助けてくれる。子供達はドロッセルマイヤーに感謝して逃げるが、ただマーシャだけが木製のくるみ割り人形の隣にとどまる。ストーリーテラーは彼女のために物語を続けるが、マーシャの兄弟、いたずら好きなフリッツは、遊びに夢中で、くるみ割り人形を壊してしまう。マーシャはくるみ割り人形を気の毒に思っている。ドロッセルマイヤーおじさんはマーシャをなだめ、彼女の新しい好きなおもちゃの壊れた腕を包帯してくれる。




ろうそくは人形使いのテーブルの上で燃え尽きている。大広間では、 椅子に丸まっておもちゃのくるみ割り人形の横にマーシャが寝ている。古い物語が終わり、新しい物語はそれを置き換えに急いでいる。

About the production

The all-time favourite Christmas ballet the Nutcracker has long become the performance which, irrespective of the season, creates an atmosphere of a magic holiday and fairytale-like changes. A wonderful story about a handsome Prince transformed into an ugly doll and a kind girl Masha, who helps the Nutcracker defeat the horrible Mouse King and find happiness, invariably attracts both children and adults.

The music of this ballet has been well-known to everybody since an early age and sometimes it is difficult to imagine how innovative the Nutcracker score was for its time. Tchaikovsky greatly expanded the sphere of character dances: here we can see both a gallery of children’s vivid portraits (no wonder that his ballet is often called “a symphony of childhood”), fantastic images of toys and mice, and the Confiturenburg luxurious sweets parade. There is an enormous gap between the old ballet national “pas” traditions and the suite of tasty drinks that the audience is treated to in the Second Act: thick Spanish scalding chocolate; Arabic coffee the music of which seems to enveil the stage with aromatic steam; delicate as the Chinese ceremony tea.

In the Nutcracker the composer made an exceptionally generous gift to the artists: he personified not only human characters but also some things which makes it possible to engage the whole cast in the performance and to turn it into the triumph of corp-de-ballet. Special mention should be made of the ballet’s ingenious orchestration, for example, for the scene of the war between mice and toy soldiers with the roll of small drums, sounds of toy military fanfares, flickering of mice scurrying about and squeaking. The gem of the Nutcracker’ score is the Sugar Plum Fairy’s crystal-like dance in which Tchaikovsky for the first time in Russian music used a celesta - an instrument with a transparent, “thawing” and a truly mesmerizing timbre which had been invented only a few years earlier. Still, the main secret of the success of the Nutcracker music lies in the fact that just like its plot it possesses the unspoilt freshness and the youthfulness that never fail to fascinate and to be liked. Of all Tchaikovsky’s ballets the Nutcracker has probably had the largest number of interpretations with various emphases. The Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre presents it in the expressive Eldar Aliev’s choreography based on the original scenario by Marius Petipa. This ballet is a real New Year Eve extravaganza with brilliant costumes and scenery, full of bursts of children’s rosy-cheeked laughter and a pine scent of the holiday tree.

Nadezhda Koulygina

World Premiere: 6 December 1892, Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg
Premiere in Vladivostok: 19 December 2014

Running time: 2 hours and 10 minutes
The performance has one interval

Age category 6+

© 2016 – 2025
The Mariinsky Theatre
Primorsky Stage Information Service
+7 423 240 60 60

The highlighting of performances by age represents recommendations.

This highlighting is being used in accordance with Federal Law N139-FZ dated 28 July 2012 “On the introduction of changes to the Federal Law ‘On the protection of children from information that may be harmful to their health and development’ and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”