
4악장의 고전발레


작곡: 표트르 차이콥스키 (현을 위한 세레나데, 48번)
안무: 조지 발란신 (1935년)

의상: 바르바라 카린스카
조명 디자인: 로널드 베이츠
발레 연출가: 프랑시아 러셀, 카린 폰 아롤딘겐
조명 디자이너: 블라디미르 루카세비치


"Serenade, set to Tchaikovsky’s almost unnaturally tuneful Serenade for Strings, holds a special place among the dance works of the twentieth century: both masterpiece and talisman, it is probably the most widely performed work by the century’s greatest master, George Balanchine. Certainly it is the piece which is most closely associated with his name. It is performed today by countless companies across America and Europe, and is the «signature piece» of the New York City Ballet. It is also of importance that it formed part of Balanchine’s first programme in America, so that it is associated in the public mind with Balanchine’s development, in America, of that particular New World neo-classicism on which his reputation rests.

Cynics may insist that the popularity of Serenade amongst dance companies is due to its technical accessibility, and amongst audiences because, as Balanchine himself said and Serenade asserts in movement, «ballet is woman». The motion and costumes are graceful and palatable even to the most conservative of contemporary audiences. It is Modernism without the tears: in other words, if this is neo-classicism, there is no need to worry.

Yet if Serenade is still drenched in the Romanticism that some of Balanchine’s later works to Stravinsky’s music evade, it is nonetheless beautiful, its dancing symbiotic with the music. Serenade is a very rare creation indeed: an inaccessible masterpiece, at once profound and trivial, manipulative and beautiful. This is why it will continue to be performed as long as classical ballet itself is alive."

Yulia Yakovleva

The Ballet of George Balanchine Serenade is presented by arrangement with The George Balanchine Trust and has been produced in accordance with the Balanchine Style® and Balanchine Technique® service standards established and provided by the Trust.
The Mariinsky Theatre would like to express its gratitude to Mrs Bettina von Siemens for her support in bringing the “Ballets of George Balanchine” project to life.

세계 초연: 1935년 3월 1일, «아메리칸스키 발레»단, 아델피 극장, 뉴욕
마린스키 극장 초연: 1998년 4월 30일
마린스키 극장 연해주관 초연: 2017년 3월 24일, 블라디보스토크

상연시간: 35분

Age category: 6+
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The Mariinsky Theatre
Primorsky Stage Information Service
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