The Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre continues to introduce the best soloists of its Opera Company to the audience as a part of the concert cycle “The Portrait of an Artist in an Interior”, which has already gained love and popularity among Vladivostok’s residents. The author of the Project’s concept is the People’s Artist of Russia Irina Soboleva – a world class concert mistress with loads of experience behind her. She suggested a new “conversational” format of a concert, a concert-dialogue, which provides the audience with an opportunity to get to know the artists better and have an all-round insight into their creative work. At the Primorsky Stage the Project is hosted by Artistic Director of the Opera Company, the People’s Artist of Russia Larissa Diadkova.
Russian composers highly appreciated low male voices, which our Motherland had always been famous for. This was undoubtedly associated with the long-rooted and richest tradition of Russian liturgical music performed by male church choirs with dark, thick and deep sounding. Many great singers, including Shalyapin, began their way into the world of art by singing in a church choir, which among other things contributed to the development of excellent diction and an ensemble flair. The guest of the next meeting organized under the series “The Portrait of a Singer in the Interior” – Vadim Soloviev is a lucky possessor of such a voice, a real luscious Russian bass. The singer’s tiber is inseparable from his distinguishable manner of performance, which never fails to win over the audience’s hearts with its rare charm, sensitivity, cordiality and sincerity, as well as an outstanding acting talent. The staple of the prormamme, which the singer will present to the Vladivostok audience, features chamber and vocal masterpieces by Russian composers of the 19th-20th centuries.
Despite the difference in the mood and the time of their creation, these romances share a very important feature: all these numbers are just as vocal, as they are dramatic. To reveal their image content the singer has to possess vibrant and expressive artistry and stage presence - it’s only then that this music becomes “the fertile ground” both for the performer and for the audience.
As a special gift for the audience the singer will perform three operatic numbers which are not included in the Primorsky Stage repertoire yet. The arias of Vladimir Galitsky from Borodin’s “Prince Igor” and Ralph from Bizet’s “La jolie fille de Perth” present an interesting comparison between similar characters’ conditions in the interpretations by Russian and foreign composers. The vocal portrait of the reveller and fast liver Galitsky, dreaming of his own throne and benefits associated with power, was written in the manner of wild brigands’ songs. The mauldin aria of the apprentice Ralph is a typically French sample, in which the hero confesses his unrequited love. The celebrated monologue of the Dutchman from the opera “Der fliegende Holländer” (“The Flying Dutchman”) by Wagner is a testimony of the highest performing skills. The expanded instrumentation in Wagner’s musical dramas implies the presence of a powerful, heroic voice, capable of competing with grandiose symphonic accompaniment. The aria of the Wanderer of the Seas is an example of the great vocal style achievable for very few singers.
Nadezhda Koulygina