Vladivostok, Primorsky Stage, Great Hall

Uncharted Seas

In the framework of the V Eastern Economic Forum cultural program
Days of Indian Culture in Russia

Drishtikon Dance Group

Classical Indian Kathak dance with elements of modern dance

Admittance by invitation. Detailed information is available at rosconcertcompany.ru




About the performers

The Drishtikon Dance Group was created by Aditi Mangaldas in order to present a fresh look at the aesthetics of the Indian classical choreographic Kathak school. Deeply exploring traditions, the team seeks to develop new forms and contexts. Critics note the dramatic talent and amazing technique of the team, as well as the concept that embraces the divine and the human: love and freedom, truth and beauty.

Aditi Mangaldas, the leader of the project, is an outstanding dancer and choreographer, winner of state and international professional awards. According to choreographer Akram Khan, «artists like Aditi Mangaldas are very important because they transform the Kathak tradition from within». According to Mainpost, «her performance impresses the audience deeply with a rendition full of virtuosity, but her dance conveys much more: pride, passion, happiness, tenderness, concentration, musicality and great pleasure in expressing oneself through dance. The performance is accompanied by her company, and this gives you a feeling of an even greater fiest turning into a triumph».

Age category 6+

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The Mariinsky Theatre
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The highlighting of performances by age represents recommendations.

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