Valery Gergiev
Artistic and General Director of the Mariinsky Theatre

Bannikov Sergey
Director of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre

Grigory Pyatin
First Director’s Deputy

Elena Lozhnikova
Deputy Director of Finance Affairs

Elena Cherednik
Director of Finance

Roman Shtepa
Head of Engineering and Technical Service

Nikita Kursov
Head of Art and Production Service

Victor Vintonyak
Head of the Contract Department

Anna Zavylova
Director of Financial Planning

Eldar Gadzhiev
Director of the Legal Department

Alexander Voloshin
Director of the Human Resources Department

Elena Sabinina
Head of Public Relations, Advertising and Publishing Department

Zhanna Zvezdka
Head of Ticket Sales Department

Arina Semennikova
Head of Special Projects Department

Dmitry Samoilov
Head of the Operations Department

Nadezhda Medvedeva
Head of the Music Library

Vladimir Kotenkov
Head of Security

Pyotr Khristov
Director of the General Department


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The Mariinsky Theatre
Primorsky Stage Information Service
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