
III International Mariinsky Far East Festival , Vladivostok

On July 26, August 3 or August 6, 2018, an hour before the beginning of the performance, Ms. Natalia Rogudeeva, a pianist and a musicologist, will deliver a lecture on the forthcoming event. She will profile the participants who will appear on the Stage of the Primorsky Mariinsky Theatre that night and tell the audience about the origin of the work to be performed and some features of its score or staging.

Among the festival events that are included in the Mariinsky Theatre’s new project there are the first Far East performance of The Four Seasons ballet staged by Ilia Jivoy (July 26, 2018, 19:00), the concert of the Grand Piano Competition winner Alexandra Dovgan with the Primorsky Marrinsky Orchestra under the baton of Anton Shaburov (August 3, 2018, 19:00) and the premiere of Don Quichotte opera by Jules Massenet that is staged by Yannis Kokkos and will be performed by opera artists with the Mariinsky Symphony Orchestra (August 6, 2018, 19:00).

Scenic Introduction is another educational project of the Primorsky Mariinsky Theatre, which was designed to complement this line of the Theatre’s activities. The project was developed by analogy with Sunday Introduction at the Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg. The project is expected to be regular, and all events before which such half-hour lecture is to be read will be specially marked on bills.

Scenic Introduction will be held in the crush-room of the balcony an hour before the beginning of the relevant performance. If your ticket for the event is available, the admission is free.

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