Andrei Zorin


Andrei Zorin was born in Komsomolsk on Amur (Khabarovsk Krai). In 2002 he graduated from the Vladivostok Academy of Arts. Soloist with the Mariinsky Academy of Young Singers from 2002. Joined the Mariinsky Opera Company in 2007.

Roles he has performed at the Mariinsky Theatre include:
Herod (Salome)
Mime (Das Rheingold)
Grisha Kuterma (The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia)
The Simpleton (Boris Godunov)
Ovlur, Yeroshka (Prince Igor)
Kochkarev (The Marriage)
Afanasy Ivanovich (Sorochintsy Fair)
Khrushchev the Boyar, Jesuit, Misail (Boris Godunov)
Minion, Scrivener (Khovanshchina)
Triquet (Eugene Onegin)
Chaplitsky, Master of Ceremonies (The Queen of Spades)
Drunken Cossack (Mazepa)
Balakin (The Enchantress)
Alméric (Iolanta)
Sopel (Sadko)
1st Herald, Bakula (The Snow Maiden)
The Devil (Christmas Eve)
Kashchei (Kashchei the Immortal)
Japanese Ambassador (Le Rossignol)
Hunch-Backed Gambler (The Gambler)
German Interpreter (Semyon Kotko)
Abbot, Monsieur de Beausset, Lieutenant Bonnet, First Staff Officer, Kanovnitsyn, Platon Karatayev (War and Peace)
Eunuch, Ten Policemen, Seven Gentlemen (The Nose)
Selifan (Dead Souls)
Vyrin as an old man (The Station Master)
Smerdyakov, the Devil (The Brothers Karamazov)
Notary (Don Pasquale in concert)
Uldino (Attila)
Captain of the Crossbowmen (Simon Boccanegra)
Amelia’s Servant (Un ballo in maschera)
Trabuco (La forza del destino)
Conte di Lerma, Royal Herald (Don Carlo)
Messenger (Aida)
Doctor Caius (Falstaff)
Parpignol (La bohème)
Spoletta (Tosca)
Official, Goro (Madama Butterfly)
Pong (Turandot)
Torquemada (L’Heure espagnole in concert)
Two Lovers (Il tabarro)
the Oracle of Neptune (Idomeneo, rè di Creta)
Don Basilio (Le nozze di Figaro)
Monostatos (Die Zauberflöte)
Knight of Brabant (Lohengrin)
Shepherd (Tristan und Isolde)
Officer (Ariadne auf Naxos)
Young Servant (Elektra)
the Hunchback (Die Frau ohne Schatten)
and Count Hauk-Šendorf (Věc Makropulos in concert).

Has toured with the Mariinsky Opera Company to the UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Spain. He has given solo recitals in China and Japan. In 2003 he took part in the Mikkeli International Festival, where he performed as Kochkarev in The Marriage and as Vyrin (Alexander Smelkov’s The Station Guard).
At the VIII Moscow Easter Festival he performed the role of Don Bartolo (L nozze di Figaro).

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