Natalia Kirilina


Natalia Kirilina was born in Togliatti.

In 2005 she finished the Togliatti Arts Lyceum (class of violin, teacher O. Setyaeva). In 2009 graduated from the Musical Academic College affiliated with the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (class of viola, teacher A. Simakina) and in 2014 graduated from the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory (class of prof. A. Bobrovsky).

During her time of study she played in orchestras: The Premiere Soloists Ensemble (conductor – A. Dronov), the Chamber Orchestra of the Moscow State Conservatory (conductor – F. Korobov) and was a member of the Povolzhye Youth Symphony Orchestra (2007, 2009, 2010–2012). In 2010 she joined the Concert Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow State Conservatory (Artistic Director and Conductor – A.A. Levin).

As a member of the orchestra she toured around Russian cities (Samara, Syzran, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod) and abroad (Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland, Cambodia). From August 2014 to January 2016, she was an artist of the Orchestra of the Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theatre. Since January 2016 – has been working as an artist of the Mariinsky Orchestra of the Primorsky Stage.

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