Elizaveta Bykova

  • Prize-winner at the International competition of classical and modern dance performers “Anna Pavlova” (2021, 1st prize)
  • Grand Prix at the International competition of classical and modern dance performers “Anna Pavlova” (2022)

Elizaveta Bykova was born in Omsk. In 2024, she graduated with honors from the Perm State Choreographic College (class of Nadezhda Vladimirovna Stebletsova).

In 2017, and in 2021–2024, she was a member of Choreography: Classical Dance (Ballet) Program at the Sirius Educational Center in Sochi.

In 2022, she participated in the XXI Youth Delphic Games. In 2023, she represented the Perm Ballet in the delegation at the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy in Moscow.

Since July 2024, Elizaveta Bykova has been an artist of the Ballet Company of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre.

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