Anastasia Kopytkova

  • Diploma recipient at the “Grand Prix of Hopes” International Youth Ballet Competition (2024)

Anastasia Kopytkova was born in Shelekhov (Irkutsk Region). In 2024, she graduated from the Novosibirsk State Choreographic College (class of Tatiana Viktorovna Shulgina). 

In 2018, she participated in events of the Festival of Russian Ballet Schools “Tribute to Marius Petipa” held by the Moscow State Academy of Choreography (the Bolshoi Ballet Academy). In 2022, 2023 and 2024, she took master classes as part of Choreography: Classical Dance (Ballet) Program at the Sirius Educational Center. 

Anastasia Kopytkova is a regular participant (from 2019 to 2023) in the Annual Competition for Ballet Dancers and Choreographers held by the Novosibirsk State Choreographic College and a regular prizewinner in the Classical Dance and the Best Choreographer Nominations. She receives scholarships from the Governor of Novosibirsk Region (academic year 2022/23), and from the Svetlana Zakharova Charity Foundation for Promotion of the Ballet Art Development (academic year 2023/24).

Since July 2024, Anastasia Kopytkova has been an artist of the Ballet Company of the Primorsky Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre.

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