
The New Season for the Ballet Company of the Primorsky Stage Will Start from a Tour in St Petersburg

St Petersburg theatre-goers will be able to enjoy exclusive productions from Vladivostok from July 30 to August 9, 2024. Several ballets with a Far Eastern tinge will be performed by artists of the Primorsky Stage: The Nutcracker by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Raymonda by Alexander Glazunov and Le Corsaire by Adolphe Adam.

All 12 performances will take place on the famous Historical Stage of the Mariinsky Theatre. Along with the masterpieces already well-known and loved by the public, the tour program will include a new Primorsky Stage production, Raymonda by Alexander Glazunov, choreographed by Eldar Aliev. The performance was first shown in St Petersburg this February, and has already found its audience.

“I am sure that classical heritage pieces should be revised from time to time. They should be brought in line with the perception of theatrical performances by the audience, and with today’s aesthetics. They also should reflect the current technical level of the artists’ performing skills; so, as you can see, there are many factors tied together. All the choreographic achievements of Raymonda have been preserved in our performance, while all the lengths have been removed and the storyline has been slightly adapted. In my opinion, it has become more understandable, more consistent”, comments Eldar Aliev, Ballet Artistic Director of the Primorsky Stage.

“The performance has really turned out to be dynamic, intriguing and vivid, with luxurious picturesque scenery and costumes. The famous Glazunov waltzes, mazurka, Hungarian and Saracen dances, along with the entire suite of Arabic-Spanish dances, were performed brilliantly”, notes Maria Kozhevnikova, columnist of Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

“The plot and dance consist of straight and clean lines. It is a hymn to beauty, fidelity, romanticism and nobility, which you and I, perhaps, lack most of all today”, wrote Prima Media news agency columnist Alexander Kulikov.

It should be noted that the Primorsky Stage Ballet visits the northern capital twice a year on tour, and these visits have already become a good tradition. It is also noteworthy that today many viewers have begun to recognize the Primorsky Stage versions of famous ballets. For local audiences, this is an opportunity to enjoy original versions of classical performances, as well as to discover new performers.

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