Ivan Dyma (saxophone)
Vladimir Vyatkin (oboe)
지휘자: Valentin Lyashchenko
Part I
Mikhail Glinka
The overture from the opera A Life for the Tsar
Richard Wagner
The prelude to Act III of the opera Lohengrin
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Variations on a theme from Mikhail Glinka’s romance song Why Do You Cry, Young Beauty, for oboe and military band
Symphonic suite Capriccio Espagnol
Part II
Natalia Tchaikovskaya
The Typhoon overture
Boris Diev
Concerto for Tenor Saxophone and Orchestra
Boris Anisimov
The overture-fantasy Cruiser Varyag
Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes
The concert has one interval
The highlighting of performances by age represents recommendations.
This highlighting is being used in accordance with Federal Law N139-FZ dated 28 July 2012 “On the introduction of changes to the Federal Law ‘On the protection of children from information that may be harmful to their health and development’ and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”